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Bingo Community Information
Bingo Chat Games

The MC will type all the letters of a jumbled word in chat. The first player to place the letters in their correct order and gets the right word wins. For example: the MC types 'oginb'; the correct word is 'bingo'. You must always submit your answer by typing ***ANAGRAM*** before the answer, example: ***ANAGRAM*** bingo.
Prize: $1.00

Balloon Race
Players choose a number between 1 and 75; this number is their "balloon". When their number gets called their "balloon" is "popped". The first player to type "STILL FLYING" at the end of the game wins.
Prize: $1.00

You must choose three numbers from 1 - 75 (or 1 - 90 for 90-ball games), the last digits of which add up to 21. You must submit your numbers with an asterisk before each number, for example: *27*58*66. The first player to type ***BLACKJACK*** when their numbers have been called wins.
Prize: $1.00

Catch The Train
You must choose 3 numbers in a row (vertical), for example: *1*16*31. Players must type ***TRAIN*** when they see that all of their numbers have been called. The first player to do so wins the prize.
Prize: $1.00

Yeehaw! Mark off your corral by choosing four numbers from 1 - 75 (1-90 for 90-ball games) that form a square or rectangle. If all of your corral's numbers are called and you are the first to type ***CORRAL***, you win!
Prize: $1.00

Double Trouble
Submit any 2 numbers with an asterisks before each number, for example: *7*45. If you are the first player to type the claim ***DOUBLE TROUBLE*** after all of your numbers have been called, you will win the prize.
Prize: $1.00

You must choose 1 number from 1-75 / 1-90. When you see your number, you must type ***FLASH***. The first player to do so wins the prize.
Prize: $1.00

Horse Race
This game is played using the bingoboard columns to represent our "horses". The first column of 5 numbers to be completed is the winning horse. You must choose your horse by selecting the first number of the column; only one number is allowed per player. You do not have to claim your prize in this game, as the MC will announce the winners as soon as two columns have been completed. The players whose horses came in FIRST and SECOND will win a prize. If there is more than one winner for the same runner, every player will receive a prize.
1st: $2.00
2nd: $1.00

Choose two numbers that mirror each other, placing them between asterisks, for example: *26*62. If you are the first to type ***MIRROR*** when your numbers have been called, you win the prize.
Prize: $1.00

Movie Quotes
The Chat Host will post a quote from a movie; chatters must then guess what the film was, the chatter who guesses correctly wins.
Prize: $1.00

Name That Tune
The Chat Host types the first few words from a song, chatters must name the song correctly to win.
Prize: $1.00

Odds or Evens
Choose 3 odd or even numbers from 1-75 (1-90 for 90-ball games), including asterisks before the numbers, for example: *11*33*45 if you choose odds or *42*68*90 if you choose evens. If you are the first to see your three numbers and type ***ODDS*** or ***EVENS***, you win and you will be given the chance to double your prize. If you risk it, you will double your prize if the next bingo game ends with a number of the same category as the one you chose (i.e. if you were playing odds, bingo game needs to end; on the contrary, you will lose everything. For example: if you were playing odds, you will only win double the prize if the next bingo game ends with an odd number.
Prize: $1.00 or $2.00

Submit just one number with an asterisk before it, for example: *24. If your number has been called and you are the first to type ***TRIVIA***, the MC will ask you a question about our site, for example: "Which bingo game is played from 19:00 - 22:00 in our Suite 75 room?" If you get the answer right in under 1 minute, you win the prize.
Prize: $1.00

Who Am I?
The MC will think of a famous person and will give three clues so you can guess who it is. Each player must type ***I AM*** before their answer. The first to guess correctly wins.
For example:
I am from New York
I play the saxophone
I directed Annie Hall
The correct answer would be ***I AM*** Woody Allen.
Prize: $1.00

2 Little Ducks
When the number 22 (two little ducks) is called, the players type ***TWO LITTLE DUCKS*** to win. This game rolls over to the next bingo game if 22 is not called.
Prize: $1.00

Chat Games
Where: In Coast to Coast & Suite 75
Different themed chat games for different days!
Moderators Mondays (MM) – Twice a night questions on the MC pays 5$
Wild Wednesdays (WW) – 1 game a day pays 25$
Toonie Fridays (TF) – All chat games to played at 2$
Fabulous Sundays (FS) – Every hour chat games at 10$
General Chat Room Information
One of the greatest rewards in playing Bingo at is the always-active chat room and the chat games that go along with it. Make friends, crack jokes and talk current events with new and old friends all moderated by our friendly and helpful Chat Masters (MCs).
To use the chat, simply find the text box at the bottom of the conversation window, type your message and hit 'Enter' or click the arrow button to 'send' your message. It's that easy to get in on the action and start socializing with our wonderful bingo players & MCs!
By adding others as 'Buddies', you can start a Private Chat with them! Public and private chats are monitored by the MCs to ensure conversations are easy-going and fun.
Do not forget you can express how you are feeling with our range of expressive emoticons! Click on the 'smiley' at the bottom right of the Chat Room screen to see our wide range of expressive emoticons or click the tab on this page.
Our friendly and knowledgeable Chat Administrators, also known as Chat Masters or MCs, are available to talk to in the Chat Rooms throughout the day. The letters "MC" appear before their nickname in order for you to identify them easily. Click on the Meet Your Moderators tab on this page to get to know our MCs a little better and be sure to introduce yourself to them as they love to chat with our players!
Chat Room Rules
In order to provide each of our customers with a friendly and save environment to enjoy your Bingo games, we have laid out some rules and guidelines for everyone to follow. Each time the chat function is used, the customer commits to respect the rules laid out below. The aim of our MCs is to create a friendly, respectful and welcoming environment for all players in the chat rooms. This includes ensuring that the players follow all rules as laid out below:
- Impersonating another person in chat is not permitted.
- You must not harass, slander or abuse other chatters or MCs.
- The use of indecent or foul language is strictly prohibited.
- We do not tolerate racial, sexual or ethical comments of any kind.
- Please use a nickname in good taste.
- The MCs follow guidelines to protect all players in the rooms. Chat users should not question or debate with the MC's decisions and shall respect the MC's authority at all times.
- While friendly discussions and debates are encouraged amongst the chatters, arguments or negative debates are not allowed at any time. All complaints and feedback must be submitted by contacting Customer Support.
- Players must not advertise websites or companies in our chat rooms.
- You shall not solicit any other players with requests for money, for example by requesting donations to any charitable cause and the like.
- Please stick to the room's specified language. Any customer found to be using another language may be banned from chat by the MC.
- Players may participate in the chat games running in a bingo room as long as they have purchased at least one ticket for the bingo game during which the chat game will be played.
- Once credited to the player's account, chat game bonuses will expire after a period of 7 days.
- For your own security and privacy, you are not allowed to share personal details or contact details in the main chat, such as telephone numbers, email addresses, home address, Messenger account, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you chose to share your information with your friends, please do so in the Private Message function.
- Moderators are not allowed to discuss player details with other players in chat or private chat.
- If you do not want to see the discussions/chats of specific players, please use the MUTE option in order to remove that player’s chat from your feed.
- When MC’s are away from the rooms, it is the responsibility of the players to report any abusive actions by using the “report” button/feature available in the bingo room. Players may also reach out to Customer Support at any time.
- We reserve the right to publish players' nicknames, winnings and chat messages across any media platform at our discretion.
- We reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate your access to the Service at any time without notice at our discretion where you are or we suspect that you may be in breach of these Terms.
- Rules and guidelines may change at any time, please ensure you read them on a regular basis.
Chat Games
Chat room games are offered as a way of providing additional fun and chances to win for regular players and chatters. A chat prize is awarded in chat to players who are actively playing bingo at the time the chat game is run, as per the chat and bonus rules. Chat prizes are given at the discretion of the Chat Masters. Chat prizes may not be withdrawn or transferred.
How Chat Games Work
Chat games are played daily! The MC will ask the players for their numbers before starting a number game. Only then must each player submit the numbers they wish to play and they will have until a few moments before the bingo game starts to do so.
When submitting numbers for the regular number games, unless the CM states otherwise, the player must always type an asterisk before each number. For example: *5*23*45
The deadline for participation ends as soon as the MC types "NO MORE NUMBERS". Any player who submits their numbers after this moment will be disqualified from this chat game.
To claim the prize when the chosen numbers are called, or when submitting a trivia answer, the player must type the chat game's word in capitals and with three asterisks on either side. For example: ***TRIVIA***
Any player that does not place the asterisks exactly as instructed by the MC on duty when submitting numbers or claiming a prize, will not be considered.
To be able to participate in the chat games and be eligible to win a prize, it is essential that the player has purchased at least one ticket for the bingo game in progress.
So that everyone has an equal opportunity to win, the winner of a chat game must sit out of the next chat game. This player will be able to participate again after this game.
In order for a chat game to be played, there must be a minimum of 5 players having purchased tickets for the Bingo game in play at the time the chat game is run.
Chat Prizes
Please help us to award chat prizes to the correct players by letting your MC know when you will be away from your keyboard. Chat is very interactive and many of our chat games require players to respond to the MC. If you miss purchasing a ticket for the game, are away from the keyboard, or are playing in multiple rooms, please tell the MC on duty. The MCs will not hold chat prizes for players who are not in chat. If you do not respond to the MC, the chat prize will be awarded to the next player. You must purchase tickets to be eligible to receive a chat prize. Bonus tokens will be available in the player's account for a period of 7 days after being credited; after this period, the bonus will expire and will not be reinstated.
Meet Your Moderators

1. What’s your hidden talent?
Some would say, my ability to rap. After just one glass of wine, you’d be surprised. Karaoke lovers welcome!
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
A nice cup of matcha in the morning... Or anytime of the day really!
3. What’s your favourite book and why? by Patrick Senécal. I tore through it within a matter of days!
4. What’s your favourite colour?
I really like orange. It reminds me of the heat in the South.
5. What’s your astrological sign? What part of your personality does it represent?
I’m a Gemini. In general, I’d say that I’m vivacious and naturally curious.
6. Describe the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
I have a few in the bank, but I’m suddenly drawing a blank... Let’s just say that I burned a banana in the microwave once. It caught on fire and everything... I’m a much better cook now though, I swear!
7. If your house was on fire, what three things would you save?
Well, if I’m thinking about this logically... My passport, notarized documents and photo albums.
8. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it?
Losing one of my senses. They’re all so important!
9. What comic book character are you most like?
Hmmm, good question. Garfield? He likes to eat and sleep. I just got hungry thinking about it.
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Visiting an abandoned place that was said to be haunted, then being chased out of there by police officers. It was all very legal, though. A nice flashback to my youth!
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation, so that I could go to unreachable places and discover the world.
12. Complete this sentence: "When I dance, I look like..."
Beyoncé! I hope, one day maybe. I look more like a penguin, but an OK penguin at least.
13. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A horse; a little wild, endearing and free.
14. What person (dead or alive) would you most like to meet?
Walt Disney. He was ahead of his time and had a magical way of seeing things. Imagine getting to spend an evening with him!
15. If you could play in a band, what band would it be, and what would you play?
Lucky Chops, and I’d play the saxophone. They’re a small band, but you can tell they love to play. The saxophone player is amazing!
16. What’s the biggest mistake you ever made?
I put my foot on the clutch once, thinking that I was backing up, when I was still in first gear. Oops.
17. Who’s your favourite athlete and why?
Michael Phelps, for his incredible drive, but also because he’s really nice to look at, haha!
18. What’s your greatest wish?
To live in the jungle like Mowgli and be able to talk to animals. What would an ant say? Or a bird?
19. What’s your sweetest childhood memory?
Getting a popsicle or Mr. Freeze at the convenience store! Pure sweet joy!
20. What do you like most about being a chat-room MC?
I’d say getting to know the community, and maybe finding out things I didn’t know? If anyone has a good recipe for maple fudge, I want it!
21. What’s your favourite kind of music?
A little soul, and a nice groove that amps you up and makes you want to dance.
22. What do you do for fun?
I watch videos on plants, I repot my plants, I grow sprouts and apparently clutter my living room with them...
23. What’s your favourite movie?
The Intouchables. Without a doubt.
24. What’s your favourite season?
Fall. It’s still hot out, but not too much, and the colours are so pretty. And mostly because there are no more mosquitoes!
25. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
I’d build a big greenhouse, invest in the stock exchange and go travelling with the people I love.
26. What’s your favourite TV series?
I have three: Sense8, This Is Us and How I Met Your Mother. Marshall is hilarious!

1. What’s your hidden talent?
I can make hamburgers disappear.
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Food. Guilty as charged!
3. What’s your favourite book and why?
Asterix in Britain! Yeah… I don’t read too much.
4. What’s your favourite colour?
5. What’s your astrological sign? What part of your personality does it represent?
Libra. Searching for peace and tranquillity is so me!
6. Describe the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
I fell while taking part in a hockey shootout. Ridiculous…
7. If your house was on fire, what three things would you save?
My computer, my paintings and my coffee maker.
8. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it?
9. What comic book character are you most like?
Tintin. We need justice in this world!
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I jumped off a 110 ft. cliff. Wasn’t a good idea…
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to travel back in time.
12. Complete this sentence: “When I dance, I look like...”
Lloyd (Jim Carrey) in Dumb and Dumber.
13. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A sloth. They look so relaxed!
14. What person (dead or alive) would you most like to meet?
Elon Musk
15. If you could play in a band, what band would it be, and what would you play?
I’d be Gene Simmons from Kiss!
16. What’s the biggest mistake you ever made?
Jumping off a 110 ft. cliff. Didn’t I already tell you it wasn’t a good idea?
17. Who’s your favourite athlete and why?
LeBron James. For who he is on and off the court. He’s an incredible player, but also an incredible human being!
18. What’s your greatest wish?
To travel the world.
19. What’s your sweetest childhood memory?
Going to mini-putt near my family cottage.
20. What do you like most about being a chat-room MC?
Getting to know the players and making them play games for the chance to win extra $$$
21. What’s your favourite kind of music?
I listen to hip hop mostly, but I love rock too.
22. What do you do for fun?
Play hockey, golf, video games, cook, and watch series.
23. What’s your favourite movie?
The Da Vinci Code.
24. What’s your favourite season?
Summer. Bring on the heat!
25. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
I’d go on a nice trip!
26. What’s your favourite TV series?
Right now, I’m really into The Last Dance.

MC Joker
1. What’s your hidden talent?
I can snap my fingers really fast. I’m sure it’ll come in handy someday.
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Popcorn. Honestly, I go crazy for it! I could eat a full bag of popcorn every day.
3. What’s your favourite book and why?
Rêver by Franck Thilliez. It’s the best thriller I’ve ever read.
4. What’s your favourite colour?
Blue. I never tire of it.
5. What’s your astrological sign? What part of your personality does it represent?
I’m a Taurus, and I’m a go-getter.
6. Describe the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
Once, I bent over and my pants ripped. I’ll let you guess where the rip was...
7. If your house was on fire, what three things would you save?
My passport, my phone and clean underwear.
8. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it?
Arachibutyrophobia. It’s the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
9. What comic book character are you most like?
Black Widow.
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I saved a princess with my plumber brother, Luigi.
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
12. Complete this sentence: “When I dance, I look like...”
Shakira. What? We all can dream!
13. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A bear, because I’d have no predators except for humans.
14. What person (dead or alive) would you most like to meet?
Queen Elizabeth II.
15. If you could play in a band, what band would it be, and what would you play?
I’d be Bob Marley’s guitarist.
16. What’s the biggest mistake you ever made?
I can’t say that I’ve ever made a BIG mistake. But I’ve made tons of mistakes.
17. Who’s your favourite athlete and why?
Alexandre Despatie. Because, why not?
18. What’s your greatest wish?
Finding out how they get the caramel in a Caramilk bar.
19. What’s your sweetest childhood memory?
Ice cream, lots of ice cream.
20. What do you like most about being a chat-room MC?
Seeing people win!
21. What’s your favourite kind of music?
I listen to everything, from classical to hard rock, to pop.
22. What do you do for fun?
I love hiking, biking, going for a run, etc. I also love spending time with friends and family.
23. What’s your favourite movie?
I don’t have one! There’s way too many to choose from.
24. What’s your favourite season?
25. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
I’d buy a giant sailboat and travel.
26. What’s your favourite TV series?
Mr. Robot!

1. What’s your hidden talent?
Dancing my heart out.
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Taking two-hour-long baths.
3. What’s your favourite book and why?
Exercices de style by Raymond Queneau.
4. What’s your favourite colour?
Blue. Once you look into my eyes, it’ll become your favourite colour too. ;-)
5. What’s your astrological sign? What part of your personality does it represent?
Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Rising. It showcases my adventurous side and my love of family.
6. Describe the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
I got a nosebleed in the metro.
7. If your house was on fire, what three things would you save?
My twins, their blankie and my video camera.
8. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it?
Falling head first onto a small fence in winter.
9. What comic book character are you most like?
Leonardo da Vinci’s assistant.
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I was a troubadour in Carcassonne.
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to make people fall in love.
12. Complete this sentence: “When I dance, I look like...”
A tree swaying in the wind.
13. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A bear, because of its dual nature.
14. What person (dead or alive) would you most like to meet?
15. If you could play in a band, what band would it be, and what would you play?
William Butler in Arcade Fire.
16. What’s the biggest mistake you ever made?
Visiting Tchernobyl.
17. Who’s your favourite athlete and why?
Rock climber Chris Sharma.
18. What’s your greatest wish?
To get a Westfalia and go on a lot of road trips.
19. What’s your sweetest childhood memory?
The first time I had a milkshake.
20. What do you like most about being a chat-room MC?
Chatting with you and getting to know you.
21. What’s your favourite kind of music?
Classical music and movie soundtracks.
22. What do you do for fun?
Wilderness survival activities in the forest.
23. What’s your favourite movie?
There are so many, but I’ll go with La double vie de Véronique, Pulp Fiction and Whiplash.
24. What’s your favourite season?
Summer in the mountains and by the river.
25. What’s your favourite TV series?
Breaking Bad, The Eddy, Game of Thrones and Six Feet Under.
26. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
I’d buy a house in Charlevoix and a duplex in Montréal, and I’d travel as much as possible.
Bingo Lingo
Chat acronyms are used in daily conversation in chat rooms. So check out some of the chat acronyms below or you'll be wondering why someone just told you, "GG, BRB"!
Icon Acronyms
Icon | Text | Meaning |
![]() |
(gg) | Good Game |
![]() |
(wtg) | Way To Go |
![]() |
(ty) | Thank You |
![]() |
(lol) | Laughing Out Loud |
![]() |
(gla) | Good Luck All |
![]() |
(wb) | Welcome Back |
![]() |
(3tg) | 3 To Go |
![]() |
(2tg) | 2 To Go |
![]() |
(1tg) | 1 To Go |
![]() |
(yw) | You're Welcome |
![]() |
(brb) | Be Right Back |
![]() |
(np) | No Problem |
![]() |
(bingo) | Bingo! |
![]() |
(hb) | Hurry Back |
Text Acronyms
Acronym | Translation |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AOYP | Angel On Your Pillows |
B | Back |
BAK | Back At Keyboard (after being away) |
BBIAM | Be Back In A Minute |
BDT | 'Bout Darn Time |
BO | Blackout |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTU | Back To You |
CUL | See You Later (C U Later) |
CYA | See You |
CYAL8R | See You Later |
DH | Dear Hubby, Dear Heart |
EG | Evil Grin |
EMSG | Email Message |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FYI | For Your Information |
G | Grin |
GF | Girlfriend |
GG | Good Game, Good Going |
GL | Good Luck! |
GL2U | Good Luck To You |
GL2U2 | Good Luck To You Too |
GLA | Good Luck All |
GLAC | Good Luck All Close |
GLE1 | Good Luck Everyone |
GM | Game Master, Good Morning |
GMTA | Great Minds Think Alike |
GN | Good Night |
GR8 | Great |
GRN | Green |
GTSY | Glad To See You |
H&K | Hug And Kiss |
HAGD | Have A Good Day |
HB | Hurry Back |
HHIS | Hanging Head In Shame |
IC | I See |
IYKWIM | If You Know What I Mean |
IRL | In Real Life |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMO | In My Opinion |
JK | Just Kidding |
JMO | Just My Opinion |
JTLYK | Just To Let You Know |
KIT | Keep In Touch |
KOTC | Kiss On The Cheek |
KOTL | Kiss On The Lips |
L8R | Later |
L8R G8R | Later Gator |
LMBO | Laughing My Butt Off |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
LTNS | Long Time No See |
LUWAMH | Love You With All My Heart |
LY | Love You |
MNC | Mother Nature Calls |
NETUA | Nobody Ever Tells Us Anything |
NP | No Problem |
OIC | Oh, I See |
OMG | Oh My Goodness |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
OTP | On The Phone |
OTFL | On The Floor Laughing |
PM | Private Message |
PPL | People |
QT | Cutie |
R | Are |
RE | Hi Again! |
ROTFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
RTF | Read The FAQ |
S | Smile |
SAC | Sorry All Close |
SD | Sweet Dreams, Significant Other |
SOHF | Sense Of Humor Failure |
SPAM | Stupid Persons' Advertisement |
SRY | Sorry |
SS | So Sorry |
STU | Same To You |
SWAK | Sealed With A Kiss |
Icon | Text | Meaning |
![]() |
:) | Smile / Happy |
![]() |
;) | Wink |
![]() |
::-P | Tongue Out |
![]() |
:-O | Shocked / Surprised |
![]() |
$-) | Seeing Money |
![]() |
B-) | Cool |
![]() |
:D | Laughing / Grinning |
![]() |
<:o) | Party |
![]() |
:-| | Straight face / Emotionless |
![]() |
:( | Sad |
![]() |
:'( | Crying |
![]() |
:-$ | Embarrassed / Blushing |
![]() |
:-@ | Angry |
![]() |
:-x | Kiss |
Icon | Text | Meaning |
![]() |
:-# | Lips sealed |
![]() |
#-o | D'oh! / Oh dear! |
![]() |
[-o> | Praying / Wishing |
![]() |
:-S | Confused / Worried |
![]() |
(s) | Sleepy / Snoozing |
![]() |
8-) | Geeky / Smart |
![]() |
+o( | Sick / Nauseous |
![]() |
(a) | Angel |
![]() |
(6) | Devil |
![]() |
(f) | Flower |
![]() |
(l) | Heart / Love |
![]() |
(u) | Broken Heart |
![]() |
(y) | Yes / Thumbs Up |
![]() |
(c) | Cup of coffee / Tea |
Icon | Text | Meaning |
![]() |
(n) | No / Thumbs down |
![]() |
(mo) | Money |
![]() |
({) | Hug 1 |
![]() |
(}) | Hug 2 |
![]() |
(pl) | Eat / Plate |
![]() |
(%%-) | Lucky clover |
![]() |
(i) | Idea / Light bulb |
![]() |
(*) | Star |
![]() |
(yn) | Fingers crossed |
![]() |
(h5) | High five |
![]() |
(t) | Telephone |
![]() |
(d) | Drink / Cocktail |
![]() |
(^) | Birthday cake |