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Set for Life
12 top prizes of $1,000 a week for 25 years!
Set for Life
12 top prizes of $1,000 a week for 25 years!
Overall approximate odds to win a prize on a $5 - Set for Life are 1:3.75.
How to Play
GAMES 1 - 6: Scratch the play areas. Find three (3) identical prize amounts in the same play area, win that prize. Find three (3) identical “ " symbols in the same play area, you win one (1) free "$5 Set for Life" ticket. Find three (3) identical “
“ symbols in the same play area, you win an Annuity Prize of $1,000 a week for a period of 25 years or a $675,000 lump sum payment.
*Winners entitled to claim a “ ” Annuity Prize have the option to choose either periodic annuity payments of $1,000 per week for a period of 25 years or a single lump sum payment of $675,000. Periodic annuity payments are not transferable, assignable or commutable in whole or in part. BCLC reserves the right to pay the single lump sum payment in lieu of the periodic annuity payments.