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Brandon couple wins $1M on LOTTO MAX!

Winner Carol & Blaine S.


Congratulations Carol and Blaine!

Carol and Blaine S. won $1 million on the November 22 LOTTO MAX draw! The Brandon couple said the win had them both completely overwhelmed.

“I checked the winning numbers on the website,” Carol explained. “I sat there stunned, and I then I think I just cried!”

“My husband was on his way to work at the time, and I called him and said, ‘You need to come home!’” she continued. “He came right home to celebrate!”

As for their plans—the couple intends to buy a home together and share some of the windfall with family.

“I just retired in June,” Carol said, choking up in her interview. “It’s amazing to have this now.”

“I’m supposed to be retiring soon,” chuckled Blaine. “So hopefully this will give us more flexibility. We’re excited to spoil our grandkids a little extra this Christmas!”

Carol and Blaine S. purchased their winning LOTTO MAX ticket from Gambler Gas & Convenience Store at 1725 18 Street N in Brandon. They won their prize by matching one of the MAXMILLIONS prize selections in the November 22 LOTTO MAX draw: 2, 4, 7, 11, 26, 30, 47.

Remember, play for fun, not to make money. For more information, visit GameSense.