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Surprising $1 Million Win for Winnipeg Resident Playing WESTERN MAX

Winner Elaine


Congratulations Elaine!

Elaine C of Winnipeg does not play WESTERN MAX every draw, but this time she is glad she did: her May 21 ticket won $1 Million!

She realized she had won while looking up the draw numbers at 7:30am before heading to work the day after the draw. She could not believe what she saw, and had to check everything a second time to be sure.

“When I saw I won, I said, ‘Thank you Lord!’

“I told my sister by text, but she was at work so she didn’t see the text or react until 12:30pm at her lunch.”

One of the selections on Elaine’s WESTERN MAX ticket had the numbers 7, 8, 23, 24, 28, 32, and 50. That was an exact match to one of the 14 $1 Million prizes drawn that day.

Elaine was all smiles when she attended her winner interview, but shared she has mixed feelings about the win. Although she is quite happy about it, she feels some sadness because she used to play lottery with her mother who recently passed.

“I wish my mother was alive to witness me winning. She always told me that one day I would win big.”

The amazed winner plans to pay off her home, and hopes to take a trip to the Philippines.

Congratulations Elaine!

WESTERN MAX is available EXCLUSIVELY in the prairie provinces and the territories.With draws held every Tuesday and Friday, you have a chance to win the $2 million top prize and 14 additional prizes of $1 million each!

Remember, play for fun, not to make money. For more information, visit GameSense.