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PlayNow Poker Player Takes Home Largest Share of Bad Beat Jackpot!

Winner Kelly


Bad Beat Jackpot

Bad Beat Jackpot

Congratulations Kelly!

PlayNow Poker player Kelly D. has a lot to celebrate: He just won the lion’s share of a Bad Beat Jackpot worth over $275,000!

On May 28, he was playing at one of several BBJ tables along with eight other players.

“I had pocket 8s and I raised under the gun. The flop came Q8Q. We both checked. The river brought Quad 8. But he obviously had something big, I was sure.”

The turn was a 2, and then an 8 came on the river.

It turned out one opponent had Quad Queens, meaning Kelly was beaten with Quad Eights.

That was a big loss for him, but it also triggered the Bad Beat Jackpot to be paid out!

PlayNow’s Bad Beat Jackpot pays out when a player loses with four-of-a-kind 8s or better, when other conditions are met. Details about the Bad Beat Jackpot can be found here.

“I lost, but I felt great!” exclaimed the happy winner when picking up his prize.

The happy Manitoba resident won the largest share of the jackpot, and the other eight players at the table – four from BC and four from Quebec - each also won a share. The hand winner took home $137,763.95, and the remaining player each won $19,680.57.

Kelly is no stranger to large Bad Beat Jackpot wins on PlayNow; in 2015, he also happened to be at a table when the BBJ was triggered, winning him a $149,000 share of the jackpot.

“I like to play the BBJ tables,” he explained. “I’m almost always in one of those while I’m on the site. I play more when the jackpot gets big.”

Our winner is still considering how to invest his winnings and is considering buying a house.

Congratulations Kelly! Wishing you all the best!

PlayNow offers a series of tools to help players set budgets for spending and time. For more information, check out our GameSense page.

Remember, play for fun, not to make money. For more information, visit GameSense.